5 Tricks to Help You Survive the Heat on a Rafting Trip

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There’s nothing better than being on a rafting trip when it’s hot outside. But if you’re worried about spending a whole day (or several) out in the heat, exposed to the elements, we’ve got you covered.

Below are a few of our favorite tricks for staying cool no matter how hot the temps are. In other words, this is what you need to know to avoid getting fried on a rafting trip.

Of course, the easiest solution is to do what we do when get hot on the river…jump in!

How to Beat the Heat When You’re Rafting

Advice for How to Beat the Heat on a Rafting Trip

1) Clean out the store’s sunscreen aisle before you go, because you’re going to need it.

Wearing sunscreen goes without saying, but it’s the frequency that you put it on that’s key. You want to avoid the burn at all costs, otherwise, you’ll really find out what hot feels like.  So, when you wake up, put on your sunscreen. Before you get on the boat for the day, put sunscreen on. When the boat pulls over to a beach for a quick leg stretcher, you guessed it, more sunscreen. After you swim or hit a crazy section of rapids, sunscreen. Apply it all day long, whenever you have the chance, and trust us, you’ll be a much happier (albeit greasier) camper. Worried about slathering on all that sunscreen? Here are some of our favorite eco-friendly brands.

2) Keep ‘em on (your clothes, that is).

This one kind of goes against basic logic, because when you’re super hot you want to be in the least amount of clothes possible. But honestly, regardless of which river trip you’re on, when the temperature gauge is soaring and the sun is beating down on you all day long, sometimes the best thing you can do is stay covered. Invest in some lightweight UPF clothing that will provide extra help in blocking those UV rays even if you forget to dab the sunscreen underneath your armpit.  And if you can only splurge on one piece of gear, choose a long-sleeve shirt with a UPF rating. And that brings us to our next tip…

Tricks and Tips to Help You Survive the Heat on a Rafting Trip
3) Take your shirt for a dip.

Sometimes you’re on a boat heating up and there’s not enough time to take a swim before the next set of rapids. Or, let’s be honest, you don’t want to jump out of the boat because you’re afraid of what you’ll look like trying to get back in (nobody is staring at your butt as you’re hoisted back into the raft, promise). But whatever the situation, this is a prime opportunity to take your shirt (or hat, bandana, etc.) for a swim instead. Just dunk it in and throw it on. Voila! Instant heat relief.

Pro tip: In extreme heat, a cotton shirt or sarong can be an ideal pick over a synthetic layer since it provides evaporative cooling. If you’re headed out on a desert river trip like Grand Canyon or Cataract Canyon, or know you’re in for a heat wave when you’ll be rafting, cotton is actually your friend despite the oft-shared “cotton kills” advice you typically need to keep in mind in outdoor environments.

4) Keep your water bottle at the ready and drink often.

Staying hydrated is not really an option, it’s a must (you know, if you want to stay alive). Plus, one of the first signs of dehydration is moodiness and nobody wants to be stuck on a raft with a crab. To avoid having to go into your dry bag every time you need a drink of water, invest in a locking carabiner. Clip it to an insulated water bottle before you go and you’ll be able to hook it anywhere on the raft (there are typically boat straps all over the place). This way, every time you look at your water bottle, you’ll remember to take a sip. Also, at least once per day, add an electrolyte powder to your bottle of water and drink it down to replenish important minerals in your body, including salt.

How to Beat the Heat on a Rafting Trip
5) Be a shade hunter.

Do you ever notice how it feels almost 10-degrees cooler in the shade? That’s because your body can stay cooler when the sun isn’t directly hitting your skin. So take advantage of the ample times during the day when you can hole up next to a tree or underneath an umbrella for some added relief. Some guides will even rig up umbrellas on their boats for sun protection in calm, sunny stretches, or will erect them riverside so you can be shaded from the sun while dipping your feet in the river. Grab a cold beverage while you’re at it. Now, that’s the ultimate way to stay cool.

Cari Morgan heashot

Cari Morgan

Cari Morgan is the Content Marketing Manager for OARS. Since 2014, she has managed the company’s blog, The Eddy, and has been the primary “voice” behind the brand’s social media sphere.

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